Der Wandertag der 2. Klassen führte uns am 18. September 2020 bei anfänglich kühlem Wetter von Gleinstätten Richtung Gasselsdorf. Am Rückweg machten wir Nähe Haslach eine längere Pause, weil endlich die Sonne schien und es warm wurde. Der Tag war für uns sehr schön, da wir nach langer Zeit wieder etwas gemeinsam unternehmen durften.
Hiking Day
On September the 18th, 2020 we, the 4th grade, went on a hiking day. The meeting point was at one of the benches in the school yard. On each bench was an individual sign with the name of the class on it. Of course, we couldn't go on this trip alone, so three teachers came with us. Mrs Riegler, Mrs Steiner and Mr Schwarzl.
Our destination was St. Martin.
We went from Gleinstätten to Prarath, along the fields, then we went from there to Gasselsdorf where we took a short break. At our rest area there was a beautiful pond and a small playground where we did a lot of nonsense. After about 20 minutes we continued, through a small tunnel, and then we walked along a lot of fields until we arrived in St. Martin. On the way there we saw a beautiful lake with a magnificent wooden house. We also took a few photos of a huge sunflower field. We didn’t stay long at our destination and started our way home. We went through Sonnawend in the direction of Hart-Wald. Then we hiked through the forest until we arrived in Graschach. There we took a short break and looked at the beautiful fields. We could also see the Welsberg Castle from there. And then we hiked back to our school in Gleinstätten.
This day of hiking was very exhausting, but spending the time with my friends again after home schooling in the spring and the long summer vacation was very worthwhile. I especially enjoyed the conversations while hiking.
Text by Alexander Jöbstl, 4a